Monday, September 15, 2008

Oil Painting - One of the Greatest Gift Ideas

By Allan Holder

An oil painting is an expression on canvas that can reflect many things, from real life to abstract, and it one of the greatest gift ideas. Painting in oil is an almost lost art medium in the burgeoning digital age. Contrary to popular belief, painting in oil does not require that the artist to be a professional. Rather oil is a medium that is malleable, making it fun - even if it’s not always the easiest medium to use.

Where to Find Oil Paintings

An oil painting can be purchased for many occasions and does not have to be expensive. Depending on the size of the painting, its age, and the artist who painted it, oil paintings can range in price and value. Original oil paintings can be found in shows, such as at an artist expo, from a private dealer or at an antique auction. Original oil paintings can even be found online.

A Great Christmas Gift Idea

Christmas is a time of giving. Why not give a gift that will be fully appreciated? Whether you commission a painting to be done by an oil painting artist or decide to paint one yourself, an oil painting is one of the greatest Christmas gift ideas for a wife or other significant woman in your life such as a mother, a sister, a daughter or a best friend. Find out what she likes – landscapes, portraits, still life, modern art or another style and contact an oil painting artist who specializes in that particular form.

Have it Commissioned

An oil painting artist will usually charge a bit more for an original oil painting, however, the cost may be worth it to have a painting that will become a Christmas gift for your wife that she will never forget. Discuss your preferences with the oil painting artist and even consider bringing elements from your home or other things that hold meaning and have the artist incorporate them into the original oil painting they create for you. When you commission a painting, the oil painting artist is paid to create an original work that reflects your choices and style, so make sure you take part in the creative process as much as possible

Do it Yourself

If you decide to create an original oil painting yourself as a gift idea, keep in mind that perfection is probably not the best goal for a beginner. Rather, strive to be true to your creativity. While a portrait may be a more difficult challenge, painting a landscape or still life is generally not seen as difficult (even if you, the oil painting artist, have little or no previous experience.)

Where to Find Supplies

Supplies such as a canvas and frame, oil paints, brushes and other necessities can be purchased at any art store for much less than it would to commission an original oil painting as a Christmas gift for your wife. If you decide to commission an original oil painting as a Christmas gift for your wife, make sure to find an artist in enough time to complete the project before the holiday.

When deciding whether or not you will commissions an original oil painting as a Christmas gift for your wife or if you will be the original oil painting artist yourself, consider the cost and then think about the meaning, which will most likely be more priceless than the original oil painting itself.

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